CT Spectrum Management Association
Connecticut's Amateur Radio Operator's frequency coordination group

Please read the CSMA Coord Policy Guidelines below and collect the appropriate data before starting your online application.

The online application needs to be filled out completely.   Details like your exact location, transmitter power output, duplexer type, any extra filtering, feedline type and length, and antenna type and height are tremendously important.

The CSMA Online Repeater-Emitter Coordination Efile System should be used for all new coordination's, renewals and emitter changes, minor and major, including changes in contact information.

Please help us help you. Your coordination is a valuable thing. Please don't let it be compromised by inaction. If you don't understand any of the questions or details about completing your application, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be glad to help you with your questions.

Repeater coordination's shall be renewed every three years.
